di Giovanni Pivetta
22 Marzo 2019
Fermiamo i cambiamenti climatici: stop finanza insostenibile

In the wake of the extraordinary growth of the “fridays for future” movement at an international level as well as in Italy, we are relaunching the campaign focused on the issue of divestment from the fossil fuel industry.

We believe it is necessary to raise awareness of the link between finance and climate change, and we believe that the time is right for public and private entities in our country to undertake concrete actions of divestment, thus helping to build a future with low carbon intensity.

Do you want to live in an eco-sustainable way?
If you want to live better respecting the Earth and you are Bio, recycle, reuse and share the fight against climate change generated by the global warming of the Planet you can not have Actions or Funds of the fossil fuel industry.

Watch the video of the petition #StopFinanzaInsostenibile

Not with our money!

We stop environmental degradation. In fact, the environment is a collective good, a heritage of all humanity. The burning of fossils in the current quantity leads to global warming, which is the main killer of modern civilization and the primary cause of climate change.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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