Why ask Habitami Energy & Building Advisor for specialised advice?
Because you meet energy-saving professionals who talk clearly, without so many frills. Energy & Building expert consultants for buildings that listen to you, as well as illustrate well and with simple words analysis, evaluation and strategies to create real estate value with sustainable regeneration.
We try to understand what investor we have in front of us and identify the real needs to devise solutions aimed at achieving shared intervention goals. With a spirit of collaboration that must generate an exchange of information: the customer communicates personal needs before providing the service and then updates them, while we spontaneously provide detailed information on costs and potential risks of investment for maintenance work, renovation or energy efficiency interventions of buildings and properties.
What service can you expect from Habitami Energy & Building Advisor
The eco-sustainable service of the green marketing and environmental communication agency, Tabula Rasa Srl, as energy & building advisor for buildings, consists in consulting, analysis, evaluation, control of every phase of the activity for maintenance works, renovation or energy efficiency of buildings and buildings up to the certification of the interventions themselves that must give a guaranteed result.
We help you to see clearly, with competence and proper information, from the preliminary phase of estimation – feasibility and cost-effectiveness, in addition to the verification of the professionalism of companies and professionals to which commission energy efficiency interventions, maintenance or renovation of buildings, in addition to the verification of the professionalism of companies and professionals to which commission interventions of energy efficiency, maintenance or renovation of buildings. We assist you in every phase of the work on the building system.
From the monitoring to the energy audit, from the project specifications to the choice of smart technologies and building solutions up to the execution and certification of the works. With you we select Energy Auditors, Energy Management Experts, Professional Technicians, Design Studios, EsCo, Construction Companies, Plant Engineering and Suppliers to commission and carry out transparent works with guaranteed results.
We do not request and do not receive any royalties or percentages on works and supplies from professionals, companies, banks and financial institutions.
Habitami Energy & Building Advisor’s eco-sustainable services
to optimize management costs and enhance real estate
1. Monitoring energy consumption of buildings
Energy consulting – we check energy bills, consumption, energy losses, by inspecting the data of buildings and buildings, we perform a detailed screening on the state of energy efficiency of heating systems and building envelope, verifying the causes of inefficiencies and informing on the best solutions for energy savings and certified energy efficiency.
2. Legal obligations for heating systems and F-Gas declaration
With competence and experience we provide a reliable service to condominium administrators, real estate managers, installers and maintainers on the legal obligations for thermal systems in the field of regional energy land register.
Annual presentation of Annex L and constant verification of the regularity of the system “declaration of maintenance” reports, payment of contributions, inclusion Annex I.
Annual declaration F-Gas mandatory for systems with HFC (fluorinated greenhouse gases) over 3 kg.
3. Environmental health and indoor pollution
We check and certify the environmental health of building envelopes because it is important as a principle of prevention and health protection. We spend most of our time in confined spaces and often we are not able to associate our daily illnesses (neuralgia, drowsiness, irritability, insomnia, allergies or rhinitis, etc.) with the suspicion that they may derive from environmental causes.
Many of these compounds are emitted and spread in confined spaces by building materials used in construction or renovation (insulation, waterproofing, wall paints, paints and impregnating agents), others are contained in furniture and cleaning products (perfumes and detergents).
These products can interfere with human organic processes of synthesis, secretion and metabolism to the point of causing various multisystem pathologies over time, including serious and degenerative ones.
A detailed screening of the compounds present in indoor environments, carried out by qualified professionals, especially those most sealed and isolated, allows us to assess the quality of the air according to defined standards (The standard measurement method is defined by the UNI EN 14412 standard) and to intervene on the emissions considered most harmful.
4. The Energy Audit to guarantee energy efficiency
What is the use of the Energy Audit – Is the main tool to know and then effectively intervene on the energy situation and the envelope of a building: it is an in-depth analysis conducted through the documentary phase, the phase of technical inspection and the phase of technical reporting and identification of possible interventions.
The energy diagnosis or energy audit of buildings and buildings is a systematic set of survey, collection and analysis of parameters relating to specific consumption to the operating conditions and the actual state of the building envelope and its thermal systems.
The objective is therefore to define the energy balance of the building, identify the technological requalification interventions and evaluate for each intervention the technical and economic opportunities really viable for a certified result.
The eco-sustainable service of the Energy Audit
Habitami Energy & Building Advisor advises you to do it with those who are really qualified to do it: AE – Energy Auditors and EGE – Experts in Energy Management of guaranteed professionalism. Subjects certified by bodies accredited by ACCREDIA or by another national accreditation body designated by the Italian State pursuant to the Regulation (CE) 765/2008 in base alle norme UNI CEI 11339 (EGE), UNI CEI EN 16247-5 (AE).
h2>5. Structural safety and seismic classification Buildings
Do you want to protect the security of your real estate investment? The level of vulnerability, even seismic, of all buildings is high 50 years (before 1969) from the date of testing of the structures. The Static suitability certificate (CIS) and the Seismic classification certificate (ACS) guarantee the safety conditions of the load-bearing structures of a building or building according to current standards. What does this mean? The Static suitability certificate (CIS) and the Seismic classification certificate (ACS) guarantee the safety conditions of the load-bearing structures of a building or building according to current standards. What does this mean? Which allow you to verify and certify black on white the safety of a building in every area of Italy.
CERTIFICATO IDONEITÀ STATICA – The problem of security of existing buildings is of great importance, if you consider the high level of vulnerability, even seismic of all buildings 50 years after the date of testing of the structures.
These should be subjected to a verification of the static suitability of each of their parts, because the relevant aspect in the response not only seismic structures is the structural regularity, both in plan and elevation.
The structural regularity and good organization of the structural system allow you to “predict”, in a way, the behavior of a structure under a given field of actions and stresses.
What checks should be done to certify the static suitability
What checks should be made to certify the static suitability.
– presence of signs of suffering,
– presence of interventions to modify the structural organism,
– presence of external danger,
– presence of accessory risk elements.
SISMICAL CERTIFICATION AND BONUS SYSTEM – Seismic Certification is an indispensable tool to obtain the tax benefits provided for the implementation of interventions aimed at reducing the seismic risk of the building.
The so-called SismaBonus, in fact, provides for substantial tax deductions on the costs incurred, until 31 December 2021, for seismic safety, from professional fees for the verification of buildings to the execution of structural improvement works.
The measure applies to buildings used as a civil home (both first and second home), to common parts or entire condominiums as well as works used for production activities. The essential requirement is that the buildings be located in seismic risk zone 1, 2 and 3, according to the identified zoning dall’O.P.C.M. n. 3274/2003.
The eco-sustainable service of structural analysis of the building
Habitami Energy & Building Advisor recommends that you have the certificate of static suitability and the seismic classification certificate drawn up by engineers or architects – qualified technicians, professionals enrolled in the register for at least 10 years, able to assess and assert the structural safety and seismic risk to which a given building and building is subjected.
6. Energy & Building Advisoring
We help you to see us clearly, with competence and correct information, from the preliminary phase of assessment – feasibility and cost-effectiveness, as well as verification of the professionalism of companies and professionals to whom commission energy efficiency, maintenance or renovation of buildings.
We assist you in every phase of work on the building system. From monitoring to energy audit, from the project specifications to the choice of smart technologies and building solutions up to the execution and certification of works.
With you we select Energy Auditors, Experts in Energy Management, Professional Technicians, Design Studios, EsCo, Construction Companies, Plant Engineering and Suppliers to achieve transparent works with guaranteed results.
Energy efficiency creates real estate value only if it is certified and guaranteed.
Bando Habitami 2019 is certified energy efficiency
Energy efficiency is not an abstract concept and sustainable regeneration creates real estate value. Habitami energy & building advisor launches the Habitami 2019 call for nationally certified energy efficiency for residential – tertiary – industrial buildings with specific features.
What you get from the advisor for the Habitami Call – The eco-sustainable service of the green marketing and environmental communication agency such as Energy & Building Advisor for buildings consists of consulting, analysis, evaluation, control of each phase of the maintenance, renovation or energy efficiency interventions of buildings and properties until the certification of the interventions themselves that must give a guaranteed result.
We do not request or receive any royalties or percentages on works and supplies from professionals, businesses, companies, banks and financial institutions.
Mission Habitami Energy & Building Advisor
Demonstrate, with competence and correct information, the technical-economic feasibility of the interventions and the forecast of savings in the bill, increase living comfort, enhance the building and the property units owned in relation to a possible lease and / or sale of the same.