di Giovanni Pivetta
21 Febbraio 2019
Campagna pubblica Patti chiari per l'efficienza sostenibile

Sustainable efficiency guaranteed for the consumer citizen

The national campaign for the sustainable efficiency of buildings “Urban Regreeneration clear pacts for sustainable efficiency” moves in the direction of clearly declining that the real opportunity is to generate living comfort and create sustainable real estate value with interventions on the building system with the help of environmental energy protocols, innovative technologies and high-performance materials entrusted to professionals and companies accredited in the evaluation, design and management of the site for extraordinary maintenance interventions – renovation and certified energy efficiency of buildings.

The aim is to contribute, stimulating cooperation between Institutions, Bodies, Associations and Stakeholders, in compliance with legal regulations and procedures and always as a guarantee for the consumer, to raise the energy performance of buildings through the communication of a new sensitivity towards energy saving and the rational use of energy, promoting the energy upgrading of the building system with the use of renewable sources.

The task of “Urban Regreeneration” clear pacts for sustainable efficiency is to inform and promote the implementation, with the exclusive use of EPC contracts (energy performance contract or according to Anglo-Saxon terminology Energy Performance Contract), integrated energy requalification of residential, industrial, tertiary and PA (Public Administration) throughout the country through territorial networks of professionals and accredited companies that implement interventions with certified reporting systems.

The aim is to encourage interventions that, from the landscape point of view, improve the aesthetics of inefficient and degraded buildings, enhancing the building heritage and reducing the need for new construction and therefore land consumption, all in harmony with the urban contexts in Italy.

The National Campaign for Guaranteed Sustainable Efficiency “Urban Regreeneration” clear pacts for sustainable efficiency is open to all market players: Ege, Energy Certifiers, Design Studios, Maintenance Companies, Plant Engineering Companies, ESCos, Building Companies, Multi-Utilities, Credit Institutions, provided they operate in any form associated with ATI or RTI (Temporary Association of Companies) with other operators.

In order to join the National Campaign for Guaranteed Sustainable Efficiency, the subjects declare that they are aware of, and therefore accept, that they are obliged to carry out – with their own financial means or with the financial means of third parties – a series of services and integrated interventions aimed at upgrading and improving the efficiency of the building owned by another subject (beneficiary), for a consideration related to the amount of energy savings (previously identified in the feasibility phase) obtained as a result of the efficiency of the building system.
(*) The definition of EPC can be found in the Directive CE/32/2006,
which was implemented in Italy with the D.lgs. n.115.


The object of the contract is therefore the identification, design and implementation of a level of sustainable efficiency with reference to a specific building system, such as to allow energy efficiency, indoor comfort and integrated energy upgrading to reduce energy consumption, give environmental well-being and increase the real estate value of the building and/or property.

The parties involved in joining the national campaign for guaranteed sustainable efficiency declare that they subscribe to the following operational practice:

1. Building monitoring
Carried out by an independent territorial consultant who collects the basic information of the building such as costs and consumption of the last 3/5 years, the state of the systems and the envelope (facades, roofs, windows, insulation).
2. Energy diagnosis
Carried out by an EGE – Expert in energy management independent from the general contractor to whom the interventions will be commissioned.
3. Use of Environmental Energy Protocols (recommended)
Because these, guarantors of the building system, allow to obtain the certification of environmental energy sustainability
4. Integrated design and construction management
Entrusted to a specialized work team, independent of the general contractor, who must be responsible for the works management on site.
5. Smart technologies & Building solutions
Materials and technologies, regardless of the brand, must have proven performance values (DoP Declaration of Performance – CE Marking etc.) and make the declaration of conformity for correct installation.
6. EPC contract
Energy Performance Contract, energy performance guarantee contract, correct installation, durability of materials, certification of guaranteed results.
7. Fiscal bonuses and economic incentives
Analysis and choice of the best incentive in relation to the type of intervention, TEE (Energy Efficiency Certificates) – Thermal Account – Ecobonus – Earthquake Bonus.
8. Sustainable Finance
Financing of the entire operation with Green Mortgages – Loans – Financing that allows the planning of the return on the real estate investment up to 15 years.
9. General Contractor
Verification and selection of maintainers – ESCo – plant engineering companies – building companies to which to commission energy efficiency, maintenance and renovation of buildings.
10. Energy certification
Entrusted to an experienced and independent professional technician for the verification of the success of the intervention.

Green marketing and environmental communication to make network

Tabula Rasa Srl, green marketing agency and environmental communication, strong experience with Habitami, energy requalification campaign buildings in respect for the role of independent third party among market players and recognized by institutions, stakeholders and citizens as Energy & Building Advisor of buildings promotes and collaborates with organizations, associations and bodies to form independent territorial networks that achieve with clear agreements for the sustainable efficiency of buildings. For the most interesting Case Histories the Universities linked to the territory will be involved.

Invitation to public and private bodies, Associations

We invite public and private bodies, Associations to collaborate, sharing their aims, for the promotion of energy requalification integrated with the national campaign for sustainable efficiency guaranteed that with the memorandum of understanding of the Manifesto Urban Regreeneration intends to initiate innovation processes between market players with the aim of facilitating the meeting between supply and demand, acting as a third party.

We also ask them to monitor compliance with an operating procedure that aims, in the direction of new eco-sustainable models, to produce – provide services – inhabit, ensure proper information and guarantee the results of energy efficiency and integrated redevelopment of buildings to citizens and consumers, as well as the respect of transparency by all stakeholders involved in the campaign.

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